Tuesday, February 24, 2009


When I give a moment to pity for myself, I think of the past, the present, and the future.
And frustrations at work never get left behind.
These pains me-- to know that there are some who cannot separate work from personal life, and some who take sides but haven’t even tried to look at the other side of the coin.

The Seven Habits-- where are these now?

I sigh.
I cry.
And I sigh again.

I have no control over their thoughts.
That’s what life is.

But, I have a choice not to be affected.

I embrace the feeling to make it as strength.
And then I choose to be happy.

I am happy again.


Elloret said...

I am happy that you're happy now rin.
PAPE did it to you.
Be proactive.

aNirSoR said...

Thanks to PAPE!